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Case Study: Dr. José Ferrer Costa @ Badalona Serveis Assistencials
Case Study: Dr. José Ferrer Costa @ Badalona Serveis Assistencials
Dr. José Ferrer Costa from Badalona Serveis Assistencials talks about his experiences working with us at i3 Simulations.
Photograph of Dr. José Ferrer Costa
Dr. José Ferrer Costa

We sat down with Dr. José Ferrer Costa from Badalona Serveis Assistencials in Catalonia, Spain, to hear about his experiences working with us at i3 Simulations to bring our products to the Spanish medical ecosystem.

Prior to integrating i3 Simulations software, Dr. José Ferrer Costa and the team at Badalona Serveis Assistencials faced numerous challenges in delivering effective training to healthcare professionals. Traditional face-to-face training methods fell short being able to “replicate the dynamic and unpredictable nature of real-life medical situations in a realistic and engaging format,” noted Dr. Ferrer, leaving a considerable gap in preparation for high-stress emergency situations.

Badalona Serveis Assistencials decided to bolster their simulation training capabilities through immersive technology. They partnered with i3 Simulations due to their robust, evidence-based approach, pre-existing collaborative relationship, commitment to realism, and flexibility to adapt to specific needs, such as localising the Resuscitation VR scenarios into Spanish. Dr Ferrer states “we were greatly impressed by the fact that their simulations are not just technologically advanced but are backed by strong scientific data and evidence published in the medical literature. This rigorous, scientifically grounded approach gave us confidence that their simulations would be genuinely effective in improving medical training outcomes.”

Dr. Ferrer explained, “VR presents the unique opportunity to experience a wide range of scenarios that might be rare or logistically challenging to recreate in a traditional training setting. This means our teams are prepared for even the most unusual situations.” i3 Simulations provided healthcare professionals with an opportunity to ‘learn by doing’, allowing for better knowledge retention, active involvement, deep concentration, and instant feedback for continuous improvement.

Following the integration of i3 Simulations, the team witnessed an upsurge in learner engagement and knowledge retention. They received significant positive feedback from trainees, who “reported an increased sense of confidence and readiness in facing real-life situations following their training with the VR simulations,” reported Dr. Ferrer.

Dr. Ferrer and his team are currently preparing to present the measurable impact of VR simulations on training outcomes at a medical congress. “We’ve seen an increase in learner engagement and retention of knowledge. We believe that this platform will provide us with an excellent opportunity to further promote the value of VR in healthcare training.”

Working with i3 Simulations
Dr. Ferrer praised the i3 Simulations team for their professionalism, responsiveness, and deep understanding of their needs. He praises “the development and implementation process was smooth, and your ongoing support has been exceptional.”

He also highlighted the positive atmosphere of innovation that the VR simulations have inspired among the participants. “The most impressive aspect of i3 Simulations has been their ability to transform learning into an engaging, interactive experience. These simulations are more than just a training tool – they’ve sparked enthusiasm and creativity among our participants, turning a routine task into a captivating process of discovery. Despite the simulations being designed for individual use, they’ve inadvertently fostered a sense of camaraderie and collective brainstorming among our team,” he commented.

Future Direction
Looking forward, Badalona Serveis Assistencials aims to develop new simulation training with i3 Simulations building upon the success of Resuscitation VR. Dr. Ferrer explains, “our participants have been so inspired by this new method of learning that they’re constantly proposing their own ideas for future applications of VR technology in our training processes. This has created an exciting atmosphere of innovation that we hadn’t anticipated but are thrilled to see.”

They also plan to build more robust evidence supporting the effectiveness of VR in medical training and broaden the range of VR simulations offered, focusing on developing soft skills such as communication, problem-solving, and teamwork. “We believe that these are crucial competencies for healthcare professionals and that VR provides a unique platform for fostering these skills.”

Dr. Ferrer concluded, “We believe that with i3 Simulations as our partner, we are well-positioned to lead the way in innovative and effective medical education.”

XR/VR Medical Training Simualtions


i3 Team

An immersive solutions company specialising in healthcare training using cutting-edge XR technology.

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